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Jeremy Meyersieck

Racing Age: 50 • Category: 3

Finish Breakdown

Career 12 months
Wins 0
Top 5% 0
Top 10% 0
Top 25% 0
Top 50% 2
Bottom 50% 2
DQ 0
Course Performance  ?

Top Nemeses

Shaun Welch 0 3 0 6
Matt Becker 0 4 0 6
Edgardo Reyes 0 3 0 4.7
Jason Cotter 0 4 0 3.8
Corey Atchison 0 3 0 3.7
David Clifton 0 2 0 3
Alex Gonzalez 0 2 0 1

Top Victims

Harold Walker 2 0 100 2
Jeff Julio 3 0 100 2
Anders Gustafson 3 0 100 4.7
Edwin Ho 3 1 75 2.8
Jon Miller 2 1 67 1.3
from the last months
Most Common Opponents

Graphs o' Stuff

Points Scored - All Time?


North Central5

Race History csv | json

2012 - 6 races
2013 - 9 races
2014 - 10 races
2015 - 6 races
2016 - 7 races
2017 - 7 races
2018 - 6 races
2019 - 6 races
2021 - 5 races
2022 - 6 races
2023 - 5 races
Race NameCategoryTeam NamePlaceRacersPointsUpg Pts*
Sep 30 Crank Cross 2023 p/b Morning Cranks Masters Sport Men 45+ DNF 18 676.49
Oct 15 2023 Detroit Invitational Cyclocross Men SPORT 45+ 11 15 434.65
Oct 29 Vets Park CX Sport Men 45+ 10 18 446.25
Nov 11 Spearhead CX Sport Men 45 7 14 451.21
Nov 19 Rolling Hills CX-Mas Sport Men 6 12 437.68
Points (Sep 20 2024): 489.26
Upgrade Points: [show]

Points in bold are being considered for the current points.
Points in italics are being ignored because they were your second race that day.
Green points are the best five races in the last 12 months -- the average of these are your current points.

* - Upgrade points make some assumptions about what category the race was (different categories have different minimum racer requirements and point structures). Points are based off of information found here. As with any other metadata on this site, this information should be used as a guide, not a definitive source -- for upgrade questions, please contact your local USA Cycling representative. Upgrade points from more than three years ago appear in italics and are excluded from calculations.
- Last 12 months - Older

Natural Habitat