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NCCX Race #7 Raleigh • Nov 12 2016 • Raleigh, NC
Clear, 53 degrees, wind 4 mph
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Race RatingCast Vote
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 John Fowler
2 Christopher Grice
3 William Stanford Evolution Jr. Devo Team
4 Luc Farer
5 Jamin Whitaker 210 Racing
6 Eli Elk Team Hammercross
7 Niko Strauss HammerCross
8 Ethan Britt
9 Aidan Leggatt HammerCross
10 Eli Mumford HammerCross
DNF Dexter Beatty
DNF John Fowler
Finishers: Cat 3: 1   Cat 4: 1   Cat 5: 9   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Jules Van kempen Tri-cyclists
2 Dylan Richardson Revolting Cogs
3 John Paul amalong Constellation Cycling
4 Spencer Johnston Mock Orange Bikes
5 Bob Keener
6 Eli Woodard
7 Will Belote Tri-Cyclists BRC
8 Alex Casper Constellation Cycling
9 Jackson Engle HammerCross
10 Maurice Kenny
11 Edward Hurley
12 Anna Taylor
Finishers: Cat 3: 3   Cat 4: 4   Cat 5: 4   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Pierce Fowler
2 Evan Elk
3 Anne Amalong
4 Cole Woodson
5 Seth Hurley
6 Alexandra Richardson
7 Joe Otto
8 Casey Satterfield
9 Corban Burford
10 Braxton Walker
11 Daniel Boynton
12 Jonah Watt
13 Peter Bowen
14 Colin Philips
15 Rylee Shutts
16 Bodhi Hriciga
17 Hunter Hybecker
18 Gavin Clark
19 Joseph Barr
20 Cj Burford
DNF Cole Sinclair
DNF Asher Strauss
Finishers: Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 16   Cat ?: 4  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Garret Thompson
2 Keith Marek BP cpa Cycling
3 Scott Spurlin
4 Jakub Augustyn Berger Hardware Bikes
5 Sean Herring Trek Greensboro Generals
6 Charles Prezioso Charlotte Sports Cycling
7 William Hardin Hearts Racing Club
8 Zachary Lowden Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
9 Henry Davis
10 Ethan Dellamaestra Storm Racing Team
11 Bret Pacheco BP cpa Cycling
12 Sean Murphy Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
13 Tyler Garrard Durham Cycles Club
14 Caleb Smith Boone Area Cyclists
15 Corbitt Bourne
16 Spencer Johnston Mock Orange Bikes
17 Michael Mclamb Tri-Cyclists BRC
18 Kyle Mcnamee
19 Peter Kreuser Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
20 Paul Mckenzie 0
21 Bob Keener
22 Michael Lockhart Revolution Cycle Sports
23 Matthew Watts Cycling Spoken Here
24 Christopher Ragland Berger Hardware Bikes
25 Kenneth Metzger Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
26 John Paul amalong Constellation Cycling
27 Joseph O'callaghan Bad Cat Racing
DNF Alastair Pounder Asheville Youth Cycling Club
DNF Zack Staniak Brevard College
Finishers: Cat 3: 29  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Cypress Gorry Whole Athlete/ Specialized Cycling
2 Westley Richards Clemmons Bicycle Racing
3 William Sheftall Delta Racing
4 Lewis Gaffney
5 Paul Mesi Buffalo Bicycling Club Inc.
6 Lucas Livermon
7 Bradford Perley
8 Will Barnes Berger Hardware Bikes
9 Christopher Scallion FS Series
10 Joseph Grimes North Carolina Cyclocross
11 Sam Roach
12 Zach Lail 0
13 Tony Sigrist
DNF Brandon Davis
DNF Keith Handlon Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
Finishers: Cat 1: 7   Cat 2: 8  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Aaron Workowski
2 Jules Van kempen Tri-cyclists
3 Tyler Philips
4 Nathan Mullins
5 Dylan Richardson Revolting Cogs
6 William Pegram Clemmons Bicycle Racing
7 Alfred Jessee
8 Alan Sanfilippo Triangle Velo
9 Eli Woodard
10 Eric Flowe
11 Eric Domonell Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
12 Brad Tripp Berger Hardware Bikes
13 Sean Huson Crosstown Velo
14 Miles Camp Berger Hardware Bikes
15 Jake Tennyson Mock Orange Bikes
16 Ryan Cady Velo 16 BSG
17 Robert Smithson
18 Angelo Cavallo 0
19 Alan Bengtson 0
20 Will Belote Tri-Cyclists BRC
21 Alan Barnosky
22 Uri Camens Low Country Cycling Team
23 Nicholas Able Race City Cycling
24 Jamie Williams Boone Area Cyclists
25 Nate Zellmer
26 Robbie Morris
27 Tyler Ramer University of North Carolina at Cha
28 Robert Bickerstaffe Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
29 Josh Hatchell Berger Hardware Bikes
30 Blaise Schaeffer
31 Ryan Chet Appalachian State University
32 Dustin Freeman Low Country Cycling Team
33 Ian Bundy Constellation Cycling
34 Michael Carbaugh Tri-Cyclists BRC
35 Chris Gladora 0
36 Ajay Jackson
37 Scott Richardson Revolting Cogs
38 Bryan Engle HammerCross
39 Daniel Worley
40 Chris Mauldin
41 Jacob Eisner Constellation Cycling
42 Fred Perrino
43 Joel Eisner Constellation Cycling
44 Robert Loafman
45 Michael Albert
46 Chris Herring
47 Nick Survoy
48 Chuck Fleming
49 Joshua Eisner Constellation Cycling
50 Tim Riddle
51 Eric Schoch Triangle Velo
52 Kevin Tighe
53 Janis Braslins
54 Taylor Adams
55 Charlton Stainback
56 Jamin Whitaker 210 Racing
57 Benjamin Conden
DNF Kenny Blackburn Clemmons Bicycle Racing
DNF Ethan Britt
DNF Steven George
DNF Kyle Habecker
DNF Thomas Howser
DNF John Mcdonald
DNF James Walsh
DNF Dominic Martinez
DNF Braxton Wilson
Finishers: Cat 4: 27   Cat 5: 33   Cat ?: 6  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 James Pittman Crosstown Velo
2 John Kirkwood Crosstown Velo
3 Joshua Whitmore Globalbike Racing
4 Michael Tennyson
5 Brett Rumble Slippery Sasquatch
6 Gary Roach
7 Robb Peterson
8 Timothy Hopkin North Carolina Cyclocross
9 Dariusz Tyborowski Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
10 John Weigel Greensboro Velo Club
11 William Mcdaniel Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
12 Russel Henderson Crosstown Velo
13 Jason Morgan Crosstown Velo
14 Paul Francis Tri-Cyclists BRC
15 Michael Vandenheuvel Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
16 Dean Sutton Champion System/DCX
17 Brian Funk Gyros Cycling Club
18 Wiliam Johnson
19 Kyle Johnston Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
Finishers: Cat 1: 2   Cat 2: 6   Cat 3: 11  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Rod Stanton Team CBC
2 Alan Bengtson
3 Hansen Su
4 Bevington Steve HammerCross
5 Raul Gutierrezgarcia Greensboro Velo Club
6 Robert Bickerstaffe Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
7 Scott Richardson Revolting Cogs
8 Bryan Hoffman Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
9 Steven Andreaus Constellation Cycling
10 Robbie Morris
11 Jason Epstein Berger Hardware Bikes
12 Rob Keener
13 Ray Taylor
14 Burke Hutcheson HammerCross
15 Jason Pendse 0
16 Christopher Finnin
17 Stephen Knight Constellation Cycling
18 Chris Mauldin
19 Fred Perrino
20 Brian Taylor
21 Joel White HammerCross
22 Bryan Engle HammerCross
23 Tim Riddle
24 Ajay Jackson
25 Greg Beasley
26 Louis Botta
27 Michael O'Brien
28 Chuck Fleming
29 Michael Albert
30 David Kim
31 Andy Brown
32 Kyle Habecker
33 John Shutts HammerCross
34 John Koenck Cross Creek Cycling Club-C4
35 John Colvin
36 Jim Casper Constellation Cycling
37 Christopher Mumford HammerCross
38 David Love Vogelzang Velo Club
39 Chris Hill
40 Philip Amalong Constellation Cycling
41 Ken Browndorf
42 Adam Long Constellation Cycling
43 Adam Barr
44 Paul Mckeithan Evolution Jr. Devo Team
45 Jim Otto HammerCross
46 George Hatcher Cross Creek Cycling Club-C4
47 Joel Eisner Constellation Cycling
DNF Chris Herring
DNF Robert Loafman
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 1   Cat 4: 25   Cat 5: 19   Cat ?: 3  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Charlie (jimmy) Bruner North Carolina Cyclocross
2 Robert Mobley 0
3 Barney Baxter
4 Henrik Kragerup
5 David Gerrer Crosstown Velo
6 Todd Davis KCOI Boulevard
7 David Parker The Electric Banana Cycling Project
8 Jeffrey Haase
9 Rob Moran Storm Racing Team
10 John Baxter Constellation Cycling
11 Jeff Mcconaghy
12 Terry Forrest Atomic Cycles
13 James Berry Freewheelers of Spartanburg
14 Chris Knetsche Masters Cycling Systems LLC.
15 Todd Thornton Constellation Cycling
16 Chuck Gillis
17 Jeff Tripp Finkraft
18 Randy Murray Revolution Cycle Sports
19 Daniel Potts Southeast Velo Racing
20 Jeffrey Smith
21 Richard Creed Revolution Cycle Sports
22 Lonnie Brooks Greensboro Velo Club
23 Karen Tripp Finkraft
24 Wiliam Johnson
25 Kevin Sigrist
26 Paul Paisant
27 Ron Swenson
28 David Fuller Greensboro Velo Club
29 Gary Lowden KCOI Boulevard
30 Robert Breedlove Blue Sky Cycling Club
31 Steven Baker Revolution Cycle Sports
32 Roland Gomez Constellation Cycling
DNF Jonathan Dubel Wattage Cottage Racing
DNF Steve Leonard Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
Finishers: Cat 1: 2   Cat 2: 5   Cat 3: 26   Cat 4: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Westley Richards Clemmons Bicycle Racing
2 Richard Tsui
3 Dariusz Tyborowski Team Spoke Cycles p/b Carolina Ale
4 Mark Overby
5 Jeremy Morgan Twin Six
6 Todd Thornton Constellation Cycling
7 Gary Lowden KCOI Boulevard
8 Rob Keener
9 Greg Beasley
10 John Koenck Cross Creek Cycling Club-C4
11 George Berger Vogelzang Velo Club
12 Jason Pendse
13 George Hatcher Cross Creek Cycling Club-C4
DNF Joel White HammerCross
Finishers: Cat 1: 1   Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 4   Cat 4: 7   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Carla Williams Joes Bike Shop Racing Team
2 Angelina Stevens Happy Tooth Women's Racing
3 Kimberly Flynn
4 Laura Rice North Carolina Cyclocross
5 Sarah Maloney Happy Tooth Women's Racing
6 Jessica Singerman Bike Law Cycling Club
7 Abigail Thiele Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
8 Keren Bennett J.A. King p/b BR'C
9 Holly Spain Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
10 Kim Bishop Fiets Maan Racing p/b Luna Cycles
11 Christy Quirk SpokesWomen Syndicate Inc.
12 Emma Caughlin
13 Jessica Winebrenner Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
14 Darcy Grimes North Carolina Cyclocross
DNF Kelly Mclaughlin HammerCross
DNF Amanda Schaap Speed Merchants
DNF Karen Tripp Finkraft
Finishers: Cat 1: 3   Cat 2: 5   Cat 3: 7   Cat 4: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Kim Phistry
2 Lynn Weller HammerCross
3 Tanya Harris Cycletherapy
4 Jessica Thompson Berger Hardware Bikes
5 Hannah Bauer J.A. King p/b BR'C
6 Chloe Holzapfel Berger Hardware Bikes
7 Lori Leggatt HammerCross
8 Sara Clawson
9 Danielle Boniche Berger Hardware Bikes
10 Kathryn Burford 0
DNF Molly Lohry
DNF Stephanie Taylor
Finishers: Cat 4: 12  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Julie Paisant
2 Hope Ann snyder-walsh Cycletherapy
3 Vanessa Roth Constellation Cycling
4 Andrea Tadros Clemmons Bicycle Racing
5 Dina Pezziment
6 Christina Kim
7 Sally Edwards
8 Teresa Brusadin
9 Kathleen Mckeithan Evolution Jr. Devo Team
10 Sabine Farer HammerCross
11 Janet Trubey North Carolina Cyclocross
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 5   Cat 4: 3   Cat ?: 2