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NCCX Race #2 Raleigh • Oct 15 2017 • Raleigh, NC
Overcast, 69 degrees, wind 4 mph
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Race RatingCast Vote
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Calvin Hinkle Hammercross
2 Davis Breedlove
3 Parks Harrison Slippery Sasquatch
4 William Myers Hammercross
5 Cj Burford Evolution Jr. Devo Team
6 Evan Elk Team Hammercross
7 Jamin Whitaker Blue Ridge Bike Shop
8 Casey Satterfield
9 Anne Amalong Chapel Hill
10 Joe Otto Hammercross
11 Alex Emmons Hammercross
12 Matthew Salazar garcia Hearts Racing
13 Luca Kaminski Carrboro
14 Alexandra Richardson Evo Devo
15 Jonathan Arensman Evolution Jr Devo
16 William Getz Legion
17 Aidan Leggatt Team Hammercross
18 Cole Sinclair Hammercross
19 Aneesh Shakthy Constellation Cycling
20 Nina Elvin HammerCross
21 Seth Hurley Constellation Cycling
22 Elijah Halligan Constellation Cycling
Finishers: Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 20  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Wesley Haggstrom Evolution Jr Development
3 Eli Elk Team Hammercross
4 Jackson Engle Chapel Hill
5 Nate Myers Hammercross
6 Gour Das Berger Hardware Bikes
7 Nicholas Salazargarcia Hearts Racing
8 Niko Strauss Hammer Cross
9 Edward Hurley Constellation Cycling
10 Maurice Kenny Evo Devo
11 Ethan Britt HammerCross
12 Charlton Stainback Constellation Cycling
Finishers: Cat 4: 1   Cat 5: 10   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Asher Strauss Hammer Cross
2 Daniel Boynton Team Hammercross
3 Rodrigo Perea Tri-Cyclist
4 Pierce Fowler Mock Orange Bikes
5 Corban Burford Evolution Jr. Devo Team
6 Mario Quivera
7 Nathan Arensman Evolution Jr Devo
8 Caleb Burford Evolution Jr. Devo Team
9 Cole Woodson
10 Bravery Ward Hammercross
11 Ignacio Perea Tri-Ccyclist
12 Travis Mathers
13 Braxton Walker Evolution Jr Devo
14 Bodhi Hriciga HammerCross
15 Riley Pearman Evolution Jr. Devo Team
16 Tyler Roe Hammercross
17 Madoc Lee Hammercross
18 Holden Brown
19 Ada Watson HammerCross
20 Abigail Arensman Evolution Jr Devo
21 Hunter Habecker Durham
22 Ali Otto Hammercross
23 Tyson Miller HammerCross
24 Rylee Shutts Team Hammercross
25 Aidan Pendse Constellation Cycling
DNF Dylan Roe Hammercross
Finishers: Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 23   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Jules Van kempen Tri-Cyclists
2 William Hardin Hearts Racing Club
3 Jack Perry
4 Garrett Clark
5 Zachary Lowden Jigawatt Cycling
6 Henry Davis Team Novo Nordisk Juniors
7 Tyler Philips
8 Dylan Richardson Richardson Classic Renovations
9 Thomas Savage Slippery Sasquatch
10 Bob Keener Globalbike Racing
11 Jacob Richard Hatchet Coffee CX P/B Boone Bike
12 John Paul amalong Chapel Hill
13 Gabriele Romano
14 Javier Zamarripa Jigawatt Cycling
15 Christopher Ragland Crank Arm Brewing Cycling Team
16 Nathan Lemons Ken's Bike Shop
17 Jakub Augustyn Berger Hardware Bikes
18 Matthew Wisthoff Bike Cycles
19 Carlos Zamarripa Jigawatt Cycling
20 Nathan Mullins Team Spoke Cycles
21 Jonathan Dempsey
22 Kyle Mcnamee
23 Mark Jakubowski Jigawatt Cycling
24 Sean Huson Crosstown Velo
25 Ethan Dellamaestra Storm Racing
26 Brenden Forbis Legion Brewing
27 Mansour Benkreira Birdsong Brewing
28 Zack Staniak
29 Luis Flores HTR
30 Peter Kreuser Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
DNF Miles Camp Berger Hardware Bikes
DNF Alan Sanfilippo Triangle Velo
Finishers: Cat 3: 30   Cat 4: 1   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Parker Tinsley
2 Charles Page
3 Brandon Knettel The Electric Banana Cycling Project
4 Jacob Olsen
5 Keith Vail
6 Steven George 12Th State Cycling
7 James Walsh Squirrel Awareness Racing
8 Wade Overcash iv
9 Michel Mouly jr
10 Nicholas Horvath
11 Eric Domonell Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
12 Joseph Newman Lowcountry Racing
13 Jamie Williams Boone Area Cyclists Racing
14 Eli Elk Team HammerCross
15 Stephon Beaufort
16 Nicholas Survoy Crank Arm Brewing Cycling Team
17 Uri Camens Low Country Racing
18 Joe Smotherman Virginia Tech
19 Kevin Egan Vogelzang Velo Club
20 Tyler Ramer Berger Hardware Bikes
21 Dustin Freeman Lowcountry Racing
22 Kenny Blackburn Clemmons Bicycle
23 James Etringer
24 Wesley Haggstrom Evolution Jr. Devo Team
25 David Boynton HammerCross
26 Chris Mauldin
27 Josh Hatchell 12Th State Cycling
28 Garret Woods Refabwood.Com
29 Richard Brandon Rogue Velo Racing
30 Chris Gladora UNKNOWN-DORNIER Racing
31 Ian Bundy Constellation Cycling
32 Jacob Eisner Chapel Hill
33 Tanner Price Damittanner
34 Ken Jackson
35 Bevington Steve HammerCross
36 Alex Casper Constellation/Inland Construction
38 Garrett Love Spiritual Spinners
39 Nils Fuessle
40 David Swan
41 Mark Bray
42 Braxton Wilson 12th State Cycling
43 Calvin Hinkle Hammercross
44 Alexander Vannoy Clemmons Bicycle
45 Derek Bateson Team Spoke Cycles
46 Neal Saxon
47 Nicholas Janes
48 Matthew Mcerain
DNF Adam Harris 12Th State Cycling P/B Spoke Cycles
DNF Chris Lathrop
DNF Joshua Eisner Constellation Cycling
DNF James Lee
DNF Peter Conaty
Finishers: Cat 4: 27   Cat 5: 21   Cat ?: 5  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Keith Handlon Jigawatt Cycling P/B Carolina Ale H
2 Joshua Whitmore Organic Valley / Hiball Energy
3 Robb Peterson Cycleworks
4 Dariusz Tyborowski Team Spoke Cycles
5 Jason Biggs Jigawatt Cycling
6 Michael Tennyson Mock Orange Bikes
7 Todd Hunter Get Faster p/b Wenzel Coaching
8 Juan Munster
9 Raymond Laffin Crosstown Velo
10 Brian Funk Team Spoke Cycles
11 Raul Gutierrezgarcia Greensboro Velo Club
12 Jason Epstein 12Th State Cycling Team
13 Rob Keener
DNF Michael Mathers J A King
DNF Kenneth Metzger Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
DNF Michael Vandenheuvel Crank Arm Brewing Cycling Team
Finishers: Cat 1: 3   Cat 2: 4   Cat 3: 8   Cat 4: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Corbitt Bourne Blue Ridge Bike Shop
2 William Mcdaniel Jigawatt Cycling
3 Michael Mclamb Tricyclists BRC
4 Rod Stanton Team Spoke Cycles
5 Paul Francis Tri-Cyclists Bicycle Racing Club
6 Joseph Cross Vogelzang Velo Club/Birdsong Brewin
7 Dennis Pike Tricyclists
8 Kyle Johnston Team Spoke Cycles
9 Unknown Rider
10 Scott Richardson Richardson Classic Renovation
DNF Philip Kielty
Finishers: Cat 3: 8   Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Michel Mouly jr USMES.ORG
2 Jonathan Marshall Race City Cycling
3 Kevin Egan Birdsong Brewing
4 Subal Das Berger Hardware Bikes
5 Chris Mauldin Cycleworks
6 Robert Peters
7 David Boynton Team Hammercross
8 Jason Pendse 12th State Cycling
9 John Shutts Team Hammercross
10 Kyle Habecker
11 James Swigart Capital Cycling Club
12 Adam Long Constellation Cycling
13 Michael O'Brien Mock Orange Bikes
14 Dave Cassen Legion Brewing
15 Louis Botta Constellation Cycling
16 David Earley
17 Ray Taylor Blue Ridge Bike Shop
18 Tom Pearman
19 Bryan Engle Team Hammercross
20 Jeff Ward Hammercross
21 Timothy Skelding Revolutioncyclesports P/B Lonerider
22 Walter Whitfield Ken's Bike Shop
23 Paul Choplin
24 Joel Eisner Constellation Cycling P/B Inland Co
25 Damian Hriciga HammerCross
26 Brad Woodson
27 Rich Sinclair Hammercross
28 Anthony Montello US Military Endurance Sport
DNF Jonathan Howell Crank Arm Brewing Cycling Team
DNF Jeff Williams
Finishers: Cat 3: 1   Cat 4: 15   Cat 5: 12   Cat ?: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Robert Mobley Team Rize
2 Randy Shields Hearts Racing Club
3 Barney Baxter Raleigh
4 Timothy Hopkin North Carolina Cyclocross
5 Ted Hopkins
6 Todd Davis KCOI Boulevard
7 Randy Miller The Bike Shop
8 David Parker Electric Banana
9 Terry Forrest Terry Forrest
10 Rob Moran Storm Racing - Stio
11 Bruce Stauffer
12 Jeff Mcconaghy Legion Brewing CX
13 Alan Bengtson
14 Jay Forgione Race City Cycling
15 Randy Murray Revolution Cycle Sport P/B Loneride
16 John Baxter Constellation Cycling
17 Jonathan Dubel
18 Biran Davis Compass Racing
19 Boyd Safrit Legion Brewing
20 Lonnie Brooks Greensboro Velo Club/Cycles De Oro
21 David Gerrer Crosstown Velo
22 Peter Hymas
23 Kevin Sigrist
24 Paul Paisant Mock Orange Bikes
DNF Bryan Ream Atomic Cycles
Finishers: Cat 1: 1   Cat 2: 8   Cat 3: 16  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Henry Hardigan
2 Bryan Hoffman Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
3 Bill Wenner Slow Spokes NC
4 Bevington Steve Team Hammercross
5 Don Rose Team Hammercross
6 Gary Jackson Velosports
7 Jeff Montgomerie Birdsong Brewing Cyclocross Team
8 Jim Siemens DARC
9 Fred Perrino Mock Orange Bikes
10 Jim Casper Constellation/Inland Construction
11 George Berger Birdsong Brewing CX Team
12 Stephen Knight Inland Construction/Constellation
13 Brian Nunn Slippery Sasquatch Racing
14 Alain Borthayre Crankarm
15 Bob Szymkiewicz Slippery Sasquatch
16 Mike Mcconeghy
17 James Lee
18 Jim Otto Hammercross
19 Mike Thomas Hawley's Bicycle World Racing Team
20 George Hatcher HBWRT
DNF Keith Jensen
Finishers: Cat 4: 16   Cat 5: 2   Cat ?: 3  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Todd Thornton Constellation Cycling
2 Chuck Gillis
3 Steve Leonard Team Spoke Cycle
4 Steven Andreaus Constellation Cycling = C2
5 Kerry Shields Hearts Racing Club
6 Steven Baker Revolutioncyclesports/Lonerider Bre
DNF Derek Bateson Team Spoke Cycles
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 5   Cat 4: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Alex Ryan Mock Orange Bikes
2 Lucas Livermon
3 William Guillen Finish Strong
4 William Harrison Clemmons Bicycle Racing
6 Andrew Dietz Trek Cyclocross Collective
7 Christopher Scallion Jigawatt Cycling
8 Spencer Johnston Mock Orange Bikes
9 Michael Koballa Storm Racing Team
10 Eddie Jones Berger Hardware Bikes
11 Garret Thompson Berger Hardware Bikes
12 Sean Herring Legion Brewing
13 Keith Marek Bpcpa
14 Lewis Gaffney Triangle Cross Syndicate
DNF Paul Mesi Jigawatt Cycling
Finishers: Cat 1: 3   Cat 2: 11   Cat 3: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Jonathan Hamblen Hearts Racing
2 Garret Thompson Berger Hardware Bikes
3 Tony Sigrist
4 Raymond Laffin Crosstown Velo
5 Regis Bryer NAPA Racing
6 Eamon Queeney Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
7 Todd Thornton Constellation Cycling
8 Ahmet Erbas
9 Bruce Stauffer
10 Doug Brown 12th State Cycling
11 Raul Gutierrezgarcia Cycles De Oro
12 Eli Woodard Hometown Mfg
13 Mark Deutsch Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
14 Emily Werner Hearts Racing Club
15 Luke Woodard Sesame Street
16 Kevin Sigrist
17 Kenneth Metzger Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
18 Gary Lowden KCOI Boulevard
19 Kevin Walker Evolution Jr Devo
20 Jeff Mcconnell
21 Jacob Clayton Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
22 Tim Strauss Hammer Cross
23 Mike Thomas Cross Creek Cycling Club-C4
Finishers: Cat 1: 2   Cat 2: 2   Cat 3: 11   Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 5   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Skylar Bovine ja King MTB Team
2 Abigail Thiele
3 Chris Tommerdahl Happy Tooth Women's Racing
4 Paige Bower
5 Desiree French
6 Lynn Weller
7 Andrea Tadros Clemmons Bicycle Racing
8 Laura Calvin Classic Cycling/RCC
9 Tanya Harris
10 Chloe Holzapfel 12Th State Cycling
11 Lorri Warlick Mock Orange Bikes
12 Michelle Horvath Michelle Horvath
13 Kathleen Mckeithan Evolution Jr Devo
14 Janet Trubey NCCX
15 Alison Mckeithan J.A. King p/b BR'C
Finishers: Cat 3: 11   Cat 4: 4  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Brittany Donaldson Mock Orange Bikes
2 Eleanor Christopher
3 Amelia Shea Legion Brewing
4 Rachel Sledge
5 Stephanie Taylor
6 Rachael Grant
7 Karen Hinkley Team Spoke Cycles
8 Lauren Phillips Team Spoke Cycles
9 Laura Roe Hammercross
10 Liz Dinatale
11 Helen Mcglone
12 Tina Whitfield Velo Bella Specialized
13 Susan Pendse 12th State Cycling
14 Sharon Doolitte
15 Danielle Boniche Berger Hardware Bikes
16 Alicia Provenzano
17 Tonya Miltier HammerCross
18 Kristine Urrutia Hammer Cross
19 Julie Daniels Hammercross
20 Emily Gipson
21 Esha Shakthy Constellation Cycling
DNF Pamela Quinn Slippery Sasquatch
DNF Amy Swiatek Hammercross
DNF Jennifer Williams Boone Area Cyclists
Finishers: Cat 4: 10   Cat 5: 9   Cat ?: 5  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Emily Werner Kens Bike Shop
2 Laura Rice Happy Tooth Racing
3 Kelly Mclaughlin HammerCross
4 Keren Bennett JA King P/B Blue Ridge Cross
5 Deb Sweeney whitmore Organic Valley / Hiball Energy
6 Margaret Tobey North Carolina State University at
7 Hope Ann snyder-walsh
8 Kim Bishop Mock Orange Bikes
9 Holly Spain Oak City Cycling Project
10 Hannah Bauer J.A. King P/B BR'c
11 Julie Paisant Mock Orange Bikes
12 Jessica Winebrenner Oak City Cycling Project Race Team
13 Patty Shoaf Hammercross
DNF Riley Gallagher JA King P/B BRC
Finishers: Cat 1: 3   Cat 2: 3   Cat 3: 7   Cat 4: 1